Dec 1, 2010

Effortless Style my ass.

Seriously, some people are just baffling. Before I get started, this needs an explaination.

I read many blogs, the majority being design blogs (interiors, industrial, that sort of thing). One I read has just moved to a new site in a pointless attempt to reinvent herself (the author) and launch herself into her new career (I think). Anyway, there was a DIY post for napkins. (Go read and come back, the rant will make more sense that way)
The idea was nice but the execution was tacky. So I posted a comment, something along the lines of: "This maybe snarky, but glue? Seriously? For the napkin it's kind of understandable but wouldn't it be more permanent to use fabric paint."
Then I listed a suggestion for the napkin holder as well, because really, when you are trying to sell yourself as a designer, or someone with taste, glue doesn't cut it. Shit is tacky! [Ignore the pun] Fabric paint is not expensive! I bought a product to add to paint so that it becomes fabric paint for around $11 from Spotlight. A small bottle that goes a long way. Surely a tidier, more permanent solution for the project is the kind of thing you want to be telling your readers.

Anyway, back to the point, I posted my comment and awaited moderation with bated breath. And she denied it. What sort of cozy, padded fantasy world is she trying to live in? People are bitchy honey! That is life. Denial will only work for so long, you can't keep denying every slightly negative comment that does not reinforce the perfect image you have in your mind life. It isn't like I was an anonymous troll, leaving hateful comments on your page. The comment I left was constructive, and I used my name and Blogger account to post it.

I don't like her 'style' of decorating either, but that is a rant for another time.


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