Jan 18, 2011

Facebook and God

Another rant. The soapbox is really getting a work out this week.

What the fuck is up with people pushing their love for God on to others via Facebook (or any other medium*)??


This is a little rude, I admit, but I'm sick to death of 'I love Jesus', 'God is my savior' and 'I'm so blessed God is in my life' etc.

Don't get me wrong, I am not a complete prick. Everyone is entitled to worship the God/Lord/Savior of their choosing (religion is free after all), but constantly posting it on your Facebook status just offends me. I don't worship your God, and I don't want to read Bible quotes. Your God tells me I should die and burn in your version of Hell. It makes me want to un-friend you, which is a little sad because, for the most part, I like being friends with you, sans Jesus.

I have a lot of friends from different cultures and religions, and I find it somewhat inconsiderate that a few people find it OK to push Jesus on to everyone. The Muslims or Hindus I am friends with are not singing the praises of Allah or Shiva publicly, they keep it private.

Religion is a personal choice, please respect the choices of others and keep your religious beliefs to yourselves and off my fucking news feed. I promise to keep my views on religion to myself too (mostly).

Small disclaimer:
I don't hate religion nor the few people the above rant applies to, I just hate how people always push it in other people's faces.
The image is cut from various posts on my news feed. I removed the names and dates for privacy. I am not a total asshole. 
I love my friends, regardless of their never ceasing, God loving, status updates.

*When I say any other medium above, this does not include blogs. An author of a blog is entitled to write whatever he or she wants, I don't have to read it.


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